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Said Junior-Senior

Merci ! / Thanks ! aux camps YMCA Kanawana et Amy Molson pour le partage de leurs cahiers de chants.

Said a-seniors/juniors

Said a what?

Said a seniors/juniors

Said a what?

Said a S/J(2 claps)

Said a E/U(2 claps)

Said a S.E.N.I.O.R.S.

Senior/Junior tribe, this ain't no jibe,

This cheers kinda funky, and yep we're alive.

Uh-huh, Uh-huh, oh-yeah, oh-yeah, this ain't no lie.

Said a-bebop a-diddle diddle, diddle diddle die

Face your partner and give them five

Said a-shim sham, shim sham, shim sham shum

Tell them that we're number one

Yeah Seniors/Juniors!!!

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